POST | Sending a single E-mail

Requested by POST query, all parameters are transmitted in JSON format in the request body.


Header parameters

Parameter Valuse
Content-Type application/json
Accept application/json
X-ApiKey API key for authentication

Query parameters

Parameters are sent in JSON format

Parameter Format Usage Description
to string Mandatory Recipient's e-mail
from string Mandatory e-mail of the sender
text string Mandatory e-mail text (plain text or HTML)
MessageId string Optional Indicated by the client in the event of having to use your own message ID. If not specified will be assigned automatically.
subject string Mandatory E-mail subject
replyTo string Optional Address for reply. A reply to the letter will be sent to this address
isHtml boolean Mandatory If “true”, the contents of the “text” field will be read as HTML
attachments array Optional Options for sending attachments
attachments(fileName) string Optional File name
attachments(contentType) string Optional File type
attachments(data) string Optional File

In response, a data set in JSON format will be sent.

Response parameters

Parameter Descriptions
messageID ID of message
sent The time the message was sent to UTC.
